UNIJOS postgraduate application form for 2015/2016 session is out. Interested members of the public are hereby informed. The closing date has also been announced as well as the application method.
The School of Postgraduate Studies has announced the commencement of sales of application forms into various
postgraduate programmes for the 2015/2016 Academic Session.
postgraduate programmes for the 2015/2016 Academic Session.
The sales of application forms opened November 1, 2015 and closes January 31, 2015.
How To Apply
Interested applicants should follow the following steps for further inquiries and or to purchase the application form.
1. Visit www.unijos.edu.ng
2. Click on portal
3. Click on Prospective Student
4. Click on Form Application and proceed.
Click Here
1. Visit www.unijos.edu.ng
2. Click on portal
3. Click on Prospective Student
4. Click on Form Application and proceed.
Click Here
The information has been released by the Deputy Registrar/Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies.
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