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Friday 13 March 2015

13 Thought-Provoking Questions To Ask Yourself 20 Years After Graduation

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“Many people die at 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.” said by Benjamin Franklin. Youth is always the best time in our lives that we seem to be brave enough to be our true selves, to overcome all kinds of difficulties, to embrace challenges and even to challenge the authority. As time goes by, we may get tired, frustrated and forget our ambitious dreams in the first place. So have you kept your passion since you’ve graduated or are you dying? Below are 13 questions that we should always ask ourselves, not only 20 years after graduation, to make sure we are not wandering away from the selves that we once felt proud of.
  1. Are you still doing the same job you haven’t get excited with since 20 years ago?
  2. Have you become the kind of superiors that you hated so much when you just graduated?
  3. How much of your current knowledge comes from the school you attended 20 years ago? Have you learnt new things daily?
  4. Have you been humble even to people who are much younger than you?
  5. Do you still speak up for people who are not well-treated?
  6. Do you still listen to recent music or do you stick to your favorites?
  7. Have you traveled at least half of the places you thought you had to visit in your life 20 years ago?
  8. Do you dare to try something you are not confident about but interested in?
  9. Do you still speak out your thoughts or have you hidden yourself?
  10. Do you still empathize with the victims when reading certain news or do you feel numb with it?
  11. Do you still feel that there’s an urgent need to change society or do you think everything is normal?
  12. Do you still think impossible is nothing?
  13. Have you changed the world or has the world changed you?  (from the movie American Dreams in China)

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