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Tuesday 7 April 2015

CAMPUS ROMANCE: 10 Simple Things Girls Do To Deceive Guys

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It looks awkward but holds water.
Even a teenage girl knows the way to getting a
guy to like her.

They’re simple principles that when masterfully
applied yield results.

1. Tiny And Caring Telephone Voice: Hmm,
so common enh

2. Fake Bum & Buttocks: (A Mirage Always
Arouses One’s Curiosity)

3. Crocodile Tears: Especially when She
needs assistance.

4. “Temporary” Good Manners (She begins
to form, I don’t eat much, I’m watching my
weight. etc.Taaa! iffa hear! She can
consume large sizes of eba oo…)

5. Pre- arranged Vocabulary: She wants to
create a first good impression.

6. Exposed Cleavages (This one sha)

7. Cat walking

8. Dress code (Fitted clothes)

9. Hair style (The hairstyle that looks best
on her)

10. Intelligence and Smartness. ( When
she talks, you hear humility +
Wisdom…It’s disturbing)
Guys are different from girls. What move girls
aren’t what move guys.

Of course you know guys are moved by sight and
girls by words.

Most points listed here are sight- related.

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