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Tuesday 7 April 2015

2015 WAEC Literature OBJ & Theory Questions and Answers

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(1) Pokuwaa is the only daughter of her mother she
has another siblings that are males, but according
to the tradition in Brehoma's village, the grandchild
from the female children is the bonafide child in the
village, this made Pokuwaa to put pressure on her
daughter to give her grandchild, so that theior
linage will not perished just like that. Pokuwaa's
mother pressurised her to divorce the first
husband kofi Daafo, she got married to Kwaku
Fosu, whilch is the second husband, due to the
inability to get the fruit of the womb, her mother
pressurised her to divorce Kwaku fosu and got
married to her third husband, Kwadwo Fordwuo. At
initial stage she got pregnant for Kwadwo before
she had miscarriage so she made up her mind to
stay with kwadwo, she performed alot of sacrifices
to Tano which is a god in Brehoma, she visited a lot
of shrines she later made up her mind not to
perform any sacrifice again, which does not go
down well with her mother, at the end of the day,
she is pregnant for Kwadwo
Eugene Achike is a devout christain known for his
kind gesture towards the church and everyone
except his family members and the reason for this
is his band of christian fanatiscm. his is cruel,
unreasonable, uncaring and dictatorial, expecting
his wife and two children, kambili and jaja to be
perfect always. Eugene goes to the extra-ordinary
height of humilating kambili in front of her class
mates for taking second position in her class
instead of the usual first position.
He would have nothing to do with his own father
because the old man refused to be converted from
paganism to christianity in the same vein, his sister,
Aubnty Ifeoma for not joining the knights of st. john
on the other hand, Mrs. Beatrice is the long
suffering mother of kambili and jaja. although her
husband is wealthy, she is unhappy becausew of his
brutality and rewligious zeolotry.
Due to her weakness and helplessness, she could
not challenged her husbands' dictatorship and
brutality, never even raising a voice of protest.
beatrice endangered her life and that of her unborn
baby in other to please Eugene to pay a visit to
Father Amadi. Her obedience and total submission
to her husband however turn into murderous rage
when his cruelty contined unabasted. in a bid to
save her children from his hands, she poisons him.
her son, Jaja accepts the responsibilty for it.
(6) Ralph can be regarded as the hero of the novel
"Lord of the flies" because he is the first person to
appear in the coral island. he was assigned to be in
charge of authority and handles any problem
diligently. He is generous to all the boys and
promise them safety. He became a courageous
warrior, he depends on piggy for the smooth
running of administration. He is very hardworking,
despite the fact that Jack and Rofer wanted to kill
him, he is still preaching about peace and unity
among the boys. He sees orderliness as the only
valuable weapon to achieve unity and prepare the
way for their final rescue

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