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Saturday 28 March 2015

Should Se'x Education Be Taught As A Subject In Nigerian Schools?

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With the rate at which young girls and boys being exposed at a young age, I'd like to know what Nigerians feel about the addition of sex education to the curriculum in Nigerian schools.

Personally I feel that its needed and that if it can be properly conducted, it should be added at least as one of those courses where students get to talk and pour out their minds to adults who can advise them.

The problem is just that as I've noticed that there maybe religious issues. Most parents in Nigeria adhere to religious teachings that say no sex outside or before marriage (which is something I also believe in). So there may be clashes as to the type of sexual education being taught. One parent may feel they should only be taught to abstain from sex until they are 18 while another may think they should teach the children to only have sex when they are married.

Forgive me for the long text, I just poured out what what is running through my mind.

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