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Saturday 7 March 2015

2015 DeMoTest-EV Postdoctoral Research Position in Electrical Engineering, Belgium

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Applications are currently being received for the 2015 DeMoTest-EV Postdoctoral Research Position in Electrical Engineering, Belgium. The DeMoTest-EV – DEsign, Modelling and TESTing tools for Electrical Vehicles power train drives project aims the development of advanced and extended design, modelling and testing tools for automotive application. DeMoTest-EV is financed by the European Commission under EU Framework Programe 7 – PEOPLE. 
The consortium of this project consists of four European organisations from Romania and Belgium (UTC-N- Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, ICPE – Electrical Research Institute, LMS – LMS International LV, ULB- Universite Libre de Bruxelles).

Scholarship Value

The project funding is €976, 587; it is a 6-month position, with possibility of prolongation and only one slot is available.

Applicant must be an experienced researcher or have 4-10 years experience (Post-Doc).

Application Procedure

Candidates should send by email the following (in one zip-file, attached to the email or via a Dropbox link e.g.):
    • detailed CV (with references and possibly recommendation letters, all in pdf)
    • one or more representative publications (pdf).
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