The management of the Federal College Of Forestry Jos has released the list of candidates admitted into various National Diploma programmes of the institution for 2015/2016 academic session.

How To Check 2015 FCFJOS Admission List:
Visit the FCFJOS admission status checker here
In view of the above, you are requested as a matter of urgency to report to the College Exams and Records unit immediately with your O/Level result(s) for screening, after which successful candidates will proceed to the College Account Department to pay the sum of six thousand naira (N6,000.00) for acceptance of admission and receipt of payment to be submitted to the Exams and Records unit, upon which you will be given acceptance form to fill. The balance of the school fees will be paid before resumption.
Please note that the admission will be based on FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and all these will be done on or before 15th of October, 2015, or you forfeit the Admission.
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