The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro has released the payment and registration guidelines for the newly admitted students for the 2015/2016 academic session. All such students are hereby informed.
N.B: Please note that the deadline for the payment of acceptance/application form fees for First List of ND Full -Time is Thirsday, 22nd October, 2015
Below are the procedures:
- Applicant checks their admission status using the same card used to check PUTME Examination Results. Applicant prints out an Admission Notification slip if admitted.
- Applicant generates acceptance fee invoice.
- Applicant proceeds to the bank to make payment of Acceptance fee.
- Applicant inputs the confirmation order number obtained from the bank to generate an e-receipt for the acceptance fee payment made.
- Applicant prints out Admission Letter.
- Applicant modifies O-level result if he/she has changes to make
- Applicant is automatically cleared based on the O-level criteria for the department
- Cleared applicants generate school fee invoice.
- Applicant proceeds to the bank to make payment of school fee.
- Applicant inputs his confirmation order number to generate an e-receipt for the school fee payment made.
- Applicant prints Financial Clearance.
- Applicant is assigned matriculation number and enabled for Course Registration.
- Student proceeds to register courses and prints out Course Form.
- Student completes student’s file with the information required, puts documents printed online in file and submits to School Office.
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