These fraudsters have been advertising the sales of post-UTME form of various schools even when such schools have not released their post-UTME forms for 2015.
Please do not pay to anyone account to get post utme form, don’t be deceived by anyone that tells you that the form will close today or next tomorrow.
Payment of post utme form should only be paid to school account number verified on the official school website.
So many of this fraudster use (mr) or (dr) on the Internet. Whenever anyone ask you to pay to any personal account for post utme form, PLEASE Don’t pay because this people are fraudsters.
A lot of scammers are taking advantage of the Internet to defraud innocent student. So many students have been defrauded already within the last 2 month
THIS MUST STOP NOW, Kindly share/promote this article and stop the fraudster from defrauding more innocent candidates. You can Copy this message and share with all your friends on Facebook, Whatsapp and other social networks now.
To know when your school post-UTME form is out always visit the official school website or the official news page of
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