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Monday, 13 April 2015

OMG! How Senior Students Sexually Abuse Junior Students in the Name of Discipline Nowadays [VIDEO]

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sexually abusing students

This is a pure act of abuse, and that kept me wondering what's really wrong with kids of nowadays. They have totally turned into something else.

This immoral discipline that happened in a popular secondary school in kenya, has gone really viral on the internet. From our source, we leant that these two junior students were caught by some senior students after school dismissal while they were still inside their classroom playing. And instead of these senior students to punish them in a reasonable way, they decided to catch some immoral fun with them by forcing them to romance themselves while they watch and also seriously warned them never to stop or else they will be severely dealt with. Can you imagine? Are they really disciplining or spoiling these young students? It's a pure act of abuse and I urge school managements to look into such immoral acts because students tends to learn morethan 60percent of what they know in school. Students attend schools so as to have good educational status and not the other way round.

Please I urge school managements to really ensure that their junior students are not being immorally bullied by some wayward seniors in school, for it has led to so many destructions.

Don't forget to WATCH and SHARE this video with your friends so that they would as well learn from it because Knowledge is power.

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