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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

How I Impregnated The Mother Of My Twins: Favour & Success!

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Success is a child every achiever is in dire desire to have irrespective of the the mindset. A baby is conceived through copulation & reproduction, but success is achieved through thorough preparation, co-ordination & cooperation: [i.e. through hard work & good handiwork]. It's evident that through sex a baby is procreated but using sage sense, success is made.

I, as a denizen of this cosmos, have since my childhood being carrying out a thorough scrutiny to discover how I've being making endless success, I have discovered lots of qualities that have succoured me to a greater ambit in making successes in life. I know that I'm congenitally endowed with great intellectual gift---- I'm moulded with wisdom & maiden understanding, my background not withstanding. But, I discovered & uncovered all of my flairs because I work towards doing so in order to become who I am destined to be. There would not be a great handiwork without a corresponding hard work, because any good handiwork done without hard work would become a bad work. I so much obey the rules of proper preparation after I have made up my mind to do something [making sure it's something I will benefit at the end].

Having known my mission, the next is how to begin the mission, but before that, admission & submission to what I've had the vision to do is of prime significance. If I hadn't admitted to the rules & regulations of the schools I attended before now & submitted my psyche to everything been taught to me, preparing myself very well for every academic feat, I would not have come out with good results at the end. I carried myself according to my ability, I didn't CLAIM to be the RICHEST nor the POOREST rather I AIM to be one of the BEST ---- I know I am not poor, will never be poor because my God won't let it be: I can only be financially challenged!...

TO BE CONTINUED! Check Back Later

authored by NDJP 

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