Below is the top ten Colleges and Universities in Nigeria by the 2015 University Web Ranking. .
1. University of Lagos
2. Obafemi Awolowo University
3. University of Ibadan
4. University of Ilorin
5. Covenant University
6. Federal University of Technology, Minna
7. University of Nigeria
8. University of Benin
9. University of Port-harcourt
10. Ahmadu Bello University
To view the complete list click here
1. University of Lagos
2. Obafemi Awolowo University
3. University of Ibadan
4. University of Ilorin
5. Covenant University
6. Federal University of Technology, Minna
7. University of Nigeria
8. University of Benin
9. University of Port-harcourt
10. Ahmadu Bello University
To view the complete list click here
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