All new students pf the Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma (AAU) are to note that the 2015/2016 academic session approved school fees are as follows:
1. Arts/Social Sciences and Fine and Applied Arts...:96,250
2.Economics/ Public Administration, Business Administration and Banking and Finance.................................:110,000
3. Natural Sciences, Education, Agriculture Physiology...........112,500
4. Engineering, Microbiology, Computer Science, Architecture and Building...................................:122,500
5: Medicine....................:160,000
6. Med Lab, Nursing, Law and Accounting ......:127,500
7. Institute of Education:...................110,000
8. Acceptance Fee (Medicine Surgery):...................75,000
Others(Fresh Students):...................60,000
9. Student Union Due (All Students):...................1000
10. AAU legal/file(Fresh Students):...................800
11. AAU Student Welfare Assurance (All Students):...................500
12. Matriculation Gown Fee (Fresh students):................2000
13. Concessional Fee:..............10,000
NOTE: This School Fees circular is only for the new students.
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