“I was posted to an eastern state. Those three weeks I spent at NYSC camp were the worst three weeks of my life. After camping, I got my PPA posting and guess what, I was sent to a government girls secondary school to do my service!!!
I was beyond excited despite the location of the school. Omoh, d school dey 4 village but I no care, I was just happy to be a king among women (girls sha).
Next, I and three other. coppers went to the school to sign our acceptance letter. Omoh, the principal come say she no want any coppers oh, say coppers dey corrupt her girls too much. Small tin I for cry oh, why this woman won come turn my wine to water na? Which kain devil be dis na?. We beg tire but d woman say we dey waste time say her decision na final. I then told the woman that I got a vision that God wants me to serve in that school.
She look me laff come say among all of us, na me she fear pass cuz her girls go pursue me. Wow!!!… I Don hang. But, “u look very gentle n responsible” was her next comment. I then gave her an innocent smile to cement her first mistake (she wouldn’t believe I could f**k the assistant principal). After a little brain-washing by me (trust me na), she accepted us and asked us to resume duty next week Monday……
I arrived the school on Monday morning feeling fly and ready for whatever. I was offered a table in the science lab which would serve as my office but I refused it cuz it was located at the junior section of the school. Nawa oh, wetin I dey do for Junior section when bad girls full senior section. Abeg I wan deal with mature girls jor.
Lucky me, I got transferred to the senior section to teach ss1 and offered a table at an office close to ss3 class. Baba God, u too much!!. I walked into the office meant for three staff and met a female teacher who was busy and didn’t notice when I walked in.
“Good morning madam” I said.
Then she looked up at me and replied “Copper, Good morning. You’re welcome”
Literally, my heart melted. I lost all my senses…. cuz sitting before me was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. This woman eyes na die! Ebony skin, no make-up… even girls used to stare at her. Her name was Mrs venny. Also, I got to discover that she also had the most beautiful heart in the world.
She was married and approximately ten years older than me but I still wished her husband would divorce her or drop dead … so that I could marry her. We chatted about a few things and became friends.
Twenty minutes later, the bell went off and it was time for my first class. Omoh, my heart dey beat like Don jazzy song, I need to compose myself well… no jonzing!. I grabbed my materials and headed to teach a class full of girls ……”Omoh, as I enter d class, d girls come dey shout like say dem see jay-z. I come shout 4 dem say make them shut up! Dem dey mad?. Everybody come quiet and all eyes come dey on me, I come forget wetin I plan to talk sef.
Anyhow sha, I introduced myself and my subject. These girls were glad to have me… and I was glad to be here with them as the only male copper in the school. I be like tuface to them. As I dey teach, I discover say most of them na confirm olodo. Them no sabi anything but i later discover say them intelligent 4 bed and them bad to the bone. Some minutes into the lesson, I asked the class a question but no one answered. Then, a girl stood up and gave me the answer. Her name was Ella. Ella had an average face and Bottom but she had big bosoms. I come notice say these girls dey lift their skirts for me to see their pants. Chai! See fresh temptation. Omoh, my prick come dey rise small small so I come go Siddon 4 one sit to cover-up. All the while, I noticed that some of these girls had their eyes on me.
I be fine boy
small na. Particularly, a pair of eyes caught my attention. Guess who?
Omoh, Ella dey look me!! As She dey look me 4 eye, I dey look her huge
bosom-s…. Fantasizing about sucking them. After the class, I asked them
if they had any questions. They said yes and started asking questions
like “do you have a girlfriend?” “Can you speak Ibo?”. Haha! Una Don
enter one chance this year. I just waved them off, smiled and went back
to my office…. still fantasizing about Ella. I walked into my office,
greeted Mrs venny and sat down and rested my head on my table to relax
(oh, how I love to see this lady). Some minutes later, I heard a female
voice say “sir, please can I borrow your text book? ”
I looked up and saw two pair of huge bosom-s pointing at me. You guessed right ….. it was Ella….
I looked up and saw two pair of huge bosom-s pointing at me. You guessed right ….. it was Ella….
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