TASUED Appoints Prof. Abayomi A.A As The New Deputy Vice Chancellor
The Governing Council of Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Ijagun, has approved the appointment of Professor
Abayomi Adelaja Arigbabu as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University.
Abayomi Adelaja Arigbabu as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University.
Prof. Arigbabu, until his appointment was the Director of Academic Planning, Quality
Assurance and Research (DAPQAR) of the University.
Assurance and Research (DAPQAR) of the University.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (Education) in Mathematics (Second Class Upper) from
the University of Lagos and Master of Science in Mathematics from the same University.
the University of Lagos and Master of Science in Mathematics from the same University.
Prof. Arigbabu later proceeded to the prestigious University of South Africa. Pretoria for his Ph.D in Mathematics, Science and Technology with specialisation
in Mathematics Education.
in Mathematics Education.
As a Mathematics theorist, Prof. Arigbabu has been involved in Mathematics,Science and Technology (MST) education and
preparation programmes in Nigeria in the last two and a half decades.
preparation programmes in Nigeria in the last two and a half decades.
He was an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) between 2000 and 2002.
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