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Friday 17 July 2015

Al-Hikmah University Important Notice To Final Year Students

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This is to inform all the final year students who wrote CMP 412 (Computer Installation and Management) held on Thursday, July 2, 2015 (1:30pm – 3:30pm) in the Auditorium and CMP 414 (Structured Programming) held on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 (1:30pm – 3:30pm) in the Auditorium that the two (2) examinations have been cancelled. 

New dates have been scheduled for the two (2) examinations to be re-written as follows:

i. Thursday, 23rd July, 2015 CMP 412 – Computer Installation and Management 9:00 a.m – 11:00 a.m (Auditorium)

ii. Thursday, 23rd July, 2015 CMP 414 – Structured Programming 2:00p.m – 4:00p.m (Auditorium)

While regretting all inconveniences, all the students who registered for these courses during the Rain Semester 2014/2015 Academic Session must re-write the Examinations as scheduled above.

Kindly pass this important information to all your mates and friends who registered for these courses. 

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