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Friday, 3 July 2015

2015 NECO CRS/IRS/CRK/IRK Obj and Essay Answers now ready

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C.r.k obj type D
1A: Moses was born in Egypt during the period in which
the Israelites had become a threat to the Egyptians
simply because of their large population. At the time
of Moses’ birth (estimated to be 1520 BCE. by the
book of Exodus: the second book of the bible), there
were so many Hebrews “(according to Exodus there
were 600,000 Hebrew men)” 1, that the Egyptian
king, called “Pharaoh”, was afraid they might decide
to take over his country. Pharaoh decided that all
the Hebrews should be his slaves. So he appointed
slave drivers to make the Israelites construct entire
cities from bricks alone. The Pharaoh thought that
the Hebrews would have fewer children and die if
they were treated harshly and made to work hard.
But still, many Hebrew babies continued to be born.
So, the Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill every
Hebrew baby boy that was born. However, the
midwives did not follow Pharaoh’s orders as they felt
that killing innocent babies unjust. When Pharaoh
found out that the midwives weren’t obeying his
orders, he told the Egyptian people to throw every
new born Hebrew baby boy into the Nile River.

1b: Faith
Heb 11:24 By faith Moses, when he was come to
years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s
What an amazing story of faith. Moses, as you know,
was by faith sent down the river and picked up by
Pharaoh’s daughter and taken in as her own.
However, he was really raised by his own parents in a
baby-sitting role.
But when Moses came of age, he chose God and his
own people over the house of Pharaoh and certain
fame and wealth. That took hope and faith in God but
that’s what we must have to be a great leader for
II. Fidelity
Heb 11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the
people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for
a season.
Integrity is moral and ethical soundness. In the
physical realm it is an unreduced or unbroken
completeness or totality. Too many people in
leadership positions really don’t qualify for
leadership because they are broken in the area of
morality and ethics. They are broken in the area of
their relationship with God and it shows in their
relationships with man.
We need more people with integrity in Christian
leadership today.
III. Foresight
Heb 11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater
riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect
unto the recompense of the reward.
Moses saw the big picture not just the problems at
hand. He saw God’s big picture. Too many get caught
up in the little picture…man’s picture. God’s big
picture is bigger than man’s picture, no matter how
good man’s picture is.
Christ’s riches are greater than Pharaoh’s riches even
if the path to Christ’s riches leads us through
suffering. It’s still worth it to follow Christ.
We must have a vision that sees more than the
problems but also sees the possibilities because of
the power of God. This is the vision we must share
with those God gives us to lead.
IV. Firmness
Heb 11:27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the
wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who
is invisible.
Decisions must be made even if they involve fear and
risk.( Moses made the decision to forsake Egypt
(Israel’s security) and leave for the promised land
(God’s security).
But getting from man’s security blankets to God’s real
security inevitably takes us through the wilderness
which test our faith in God. And it takes real Spiritual
leaders to lead the way even in the face of
4A) As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of
Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter
and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net
into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come,
follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to
fish for people.” At once they left their nets
and followed him.
Going on from there, he saw two other
brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother
John. They were in a boat with their father
Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them,
and immediately they left the boat and their
father and followed him.
(4b) -so that they would be with
-So that He could send them out to
-and to have authority to cast out the
8a)- Word of wisdom
-Word of knowledge
-Gifts of healing
-Working of miracles
-Discerning of spirits
1-the gift of prophecy is important to the church
because: is for exhortation
(challenging, rebuking and correcting people),
consolation (comforting and encouraging people)
and edification (building up the church)
2-The Word Of Knowledge, therefore, is
knowledge received from the Holy Spirit to
enable us to more effectively minister to
the needs of people, to know and
understand situations, circumstances,
strategies of the enemy (kingdoms of
darkness), etc. It enables us to
knowhow to speak in the above situations
with a knowledge that can surprise, baffle,
dis-arm, open-up, bring answers, healing
and understanding.
3-The gift of
healing is not for the one who ministers the gift. It is
for the sick person, this gift is important to the
churches today bcos it is use for healing the sick.
4–Discerning of spirits- the gift is important to the
church today because it enables one to make
distinctions between holy and
profane as well as clean and unclean. The discerner
can also make decisions accordin
themes from the old testament
1a)discuss the social condition of the isralites in
Egypt when moses was
b.mention any four leadership qualities of moses
2a.discus the circumstances that led Aaron to make a
golden calf for th
people of israel during thir stay in the wilderness
b.state the three was moses as a leader handled the
3a.explain the incident that brought prophet nation
to the house of david
b.mention any four ways a christian can overcome
the sin of adultery today(
4a.briefly narrate how the first four discliple of jesus
were called
b.state any three reasons why jesus called his
5a.briefly narrate the story of the prodigal son
b.from the behavior of the prodigal son,highlight any
four steps necessary
in mending relationship
6a.give an answer account of saul’s persecution of
the early church before
his conversion
b.list any four significance of his convrsion to the
early church
7a. give an account of the healing of the centurion’s
servant by jesus
7b.mention any three moral lesson the story teaches
8a. In paul’s list of spiritual gifts,name any seven that
manifest in the church today
b.list four importance of these gifts to the church

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