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Wednesday 10 June 2015

NECO 2015 Practical Geography Questions and Answers

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Wednesday 10th
Paper III & I: Objective & Practical / Physical – Geography
2hrs 30mins
10:00am – 12:30pm

NOTE: Mathematics Answers wil nt be droped free,kindly subcribe now and get d Answers!
they carve out channels as they flow and they transport and deposit materials for very great distance often hundreds or thousands of kilometre.
(i)the shape of of the river channel or valley:this factor affects the amount of energy a river has for erosion and transportation
(ii) the volume of water released:the higher the volume of water released by a river,the higher the velocity
the amount and size of materials:the great the speed of a river,the greater the materials or load it can move
(iv) the slope of the river valley:the steeper the slope or gradients,the higher the speed or velocity of the water in the river
(i) gorges
(ii) V-shaped valley
(i) menders
(ii) River cliff and slip-off slopes LOWER
(i) Ox-bow lakes
(ii) the flood plain
NOTE: Mathematics Answers wil nt be droped free,kindly subcribe now and get d Answers!
Twilight: this is a period between sunset and complete darkness while dawn is refers to the brief period between sunrise and full daylight
(i) Because the north pole is titled to ward the sun at this time, the sun just skims the horizon but never completely sets. The Arctic Circle marks the southern extremity of the polar day which is a day of 24 hours of sunlight.
(ii) The sun's rays are directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer (the latitude line at 23.5° north) (
iii) it is due to that hemisphere receiving more direct rays of the sun than the opposite hemisphere where it is winter. In winter, the sun's energy hits the earth at oblique angles and is thus less concentrated.
(i) it causes seasons:in temperature countries of the world,the revolution of the earth causes four seasons -autumns,spring,summer,and winter whereas in tropical region like west africa there are two seasons -rainy season and the dry season.
(ii) it determines year:the average time taken by the earth to move round the sun or having completed its revolution on its orbit is fixed at 365 1/4days.
(iii) it causes varying length of the day and night at different time of the year,the actual length of day and night varies because of the position of the earth in relation the sun.
(iv) it brings about changes in the altitude of the midday sun at different times of the a result of the earth's revolution,the altitude of the midday sun changes resulting in Equinoxes and Solstices.


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