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Friday 19 June 2015

NECO 2015 Geography Essay & OBJ Questions and Answers

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Friday 19th June
Paper II: Essay – Geography
10:00am – 12:00noon

verified Geography ANSWER obj Type A 1.b 2.b 3.c 4.e 5.a 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.a 10.b 11.c 12.e 13.c 14.b …..

population density simply refers to the number of people per square kilometre.
it can be mathematically write as
population density=total number of people/land area
i.the quality of the soil
ii.the agricultural system practised
for HUman factor
i.Agriculture:area where agriculture is extensively practised such as Egypt,java,China and india do attract population concentration
ii.improved social and medical facilities:the provision of modern and improved medica and social facilities in area tends to attract more population concentration
iii.industry:the concentration of industries in some geographical locations such as pittsburg (USA),RUhr(Germany)tends to attract more population because of the availability of job opportunities.
for physical factor
i.availability of water:areas where water is readily available for both domestic and industrial purposes often attract high population concentration
ii.climate:areas of the world with equitable climate attract high population concentration than areas where the climate is not condusive
iii.soil:fertile soil tends to attract high population concentration than areas that are infetile
i.the use of family planning techniques
ii.discouraging early marriage by fixing age limit
iii.encouragement of monogamy sex education
-proximity to the source of raw material:many industries are raw material oriented especially if the raw material is bulky and weight is lost during the processing.examples of such include cement factory,sugar factory
-proximity to market:this happens when the cost of moving the finished products to the market forms a high percentage of the total cost,hence the need to locate it close to the market
-nearness to the source of power:industries which are large users of fuel and power often located near the source of power
-availability of good transport system:the major industrial centres of the tropics are also the major rail,road,airways,highway and see route centre,hence a lot of indutries are often established because of its accessibilty.
-availability of capital :for an industrial set up,wether private or a joint stock company capital plays a major role in its establishment and survival
-insufficient capital
-lack of true entrepreneurship
-inadequate raw materias
-irregular power supply
-reduction of tax
-ensuring steady power supply
-provision of transport facilities
-increase in industrial loan
5a).internal trade may be defined as the exchange,buying and selling of goods and services within a country.
i.Availability of good transport network:transportation enhances internal trade by linking different regions together by good roads and railways
ii.Availability of common currency:this will encourage or favour internal trade if the different regions of a country have the same currency,for instance (nigeria’s naira and kobo) which will make sales and purchases easier
iii.availability of wide market:this also favours or encourages internal trade if a country can consume the commodities being produced in that country
iv.level of soil fertility:different regions of a country have different levels of soil fertility which enables the production of different crops.
i.bad or poor transportation network e.g bad roads
ii.spoilage of perishable products due to poor storage and long distance in transport e.g meat,tomatoes,and vegetables
iii.high rate of rural- urban migration
iv.high rate of pests and diseases which attack crops leading to low harvest
-promotion of cooperation and development
-elimination of customs duties
-abolition of trade restrictions
-establishment of common tariff
-abolition of obstacles to free movement
-harmonization of agricultural policies
-trade liberalization
-expansion of market
-increase in competition
-exchange of raw materials
-problems posed by immigrants:the article 27 of the ECOWAS TREATY which granted “community citizens” freedom of movement and residence within the community has created an escalated the problems of illegal aliens
-increase in social vices:the presence of these “community citizens” in some member states like nigeria,has escaled the wave of armed robbery,religious bigotry,arson,murder etc
-problem of language:differences in language has greatly militated against the efficient functioning of the community
-currency difference:this problem has warranted as many as ten different currencies in the sub-region and has made common payment system difficult among the member-state,which has contributed to the near failure of the community
-escalation of smuggling:this problem smuggling is exacerbated by the free movement of the “community citizens”

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One Response so far.

  1. Mr Gbengz says:

    nice one, i like it and i wish you could supply more questions so that we can learn. thanks Healthcare and Fitness Blog

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