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Friday 26 June 2015

NECO 2015 Agric Science Answers Now Available!!!

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Agric type A
11-20: B - CBAADDBA
51-60: EA - DDBEACC
- they assist in rural development by
providing social amenities
- they carry out research to improve
new crop varieties
- they fund research for better farming method and also develop farm
- they helps to control weeds,pests &
diseases organism by providing
necessary chemical

- IMPLEMENT & MACHINERY: science and
technology has aided the development
of implements & machinery which have
replaced the olds tools

they help to develop storage facilities
for preservation of harvested product.

SYSTEM: this also develop the farm
system with the aid of science and

- ANIMAL NUTRITION: this developed
feeds, new formulated to meet the
nutrition demand of animal

- Replacing of trees
- Crop rotation
- Bush fallowing
- Cover cropping

Farm surveying is the measurement
of land made on farm,such
measurement by tables, plans and done
for specific purpose.

- it ensure the passage of grains and
chaff through diff nozzles
- it cleans the grain by separating them from chaff.
Flooding: It consist of opening a water channel in a plot or field so that water can flow freely in all directions and
cover the surface of the land in a continuous sheet.

-Basin irrigation: This method is suitable for orchids and other high value crops where the size of the plot to be
irrigated is very small.

-Furrow method: Water is allowed to flow in furrow opened in crop rows. It is suitable for sloppy lands where the furrows are made along contours.

i). Soil Ph: The relative concentration of the hydrogen irons and or hydroxyl irons may either increase or decrease nutrient availability.

ii). Leaching: This encourages the draining of mineral salts from the topsoil to subsoil thereby depriving plants of such nutrients.

iii). Crop Removal: This may be in form of clean clearing, deforestation or cutting down of harvested crops which lead to loss of nutrients in the soil.

iv). Burning: This kills soil organisms, destroys the texture and structure of the soil and finally reduces plant nutrients.

v). Erosion: This helps in washing away of soil nutrients from one place to another, and may occur under the influence of heavy rain or wind storm.

3c)Evaporation: is water loss from the soil or from water spray equipment.
It occurs on hot, sunny and windy days. You can reduce water loss from
evaporation by using a coarse, low-pressure spray and by watering
during cool and quiet evenings or early in the mornings.

Transpiration : is water loss from leaf tissue. You can reduce it by
allowing plants to wilt in the afternoon sun . This won't harm the plants
if wilting occurs only for an hour or two.

Percolation: is the downward movement of water through the soil. It
occurs with overwatering. With percolation, nitrate fertilizer is carried
into ground water supplies causing pollution.

(3 d )
percentage of water present in the soil
= Mass of water/ Mass of fresh soil × 100/1
Mass of empty evaporating dish = 0 . 2 g
Mass of dish + fresh soil = 0 . 265g
Mass of fresh soil only = ( 0. 265 – 0 . 2 ) G
Mass of dish + dried soil = 0 . 25 g
Mass of dried soil only = ( 0. 25 – 0. 2) g = 0 . 05 g
Mass of water driven off = (0 . 065 - 0 . 05 )g = 0 . 015g
% of water by mass = 0. 015/0 . 065 × 100/1
= 23 . 08 %
- AMMONIFICATION: the process
involving the formation of ammonium
compound from dead and decaying
plants & animals and their waste
product of life urine and faeces

- NUTRIFICATION: Is the process that
involve conversation of ammonium
compound first nitrite by nitrifying
bacteria called nitrosomonas, the nitrite
are converted by oxidation of nitrates
by another bacterium called nitrobacter

- topography
- population growth

- it refers to decayed plant&animal
- it conserve moisture & prevent
evaporation from soil.

- it refers to non decayed plant & animal
- it does not conserve moisture

- it does not support leaching hence,
contain plant nutrition
- the particles are sticky&mouldy when wet
- percolation in clay soil is low but capilarity is high
- it support water
- logging & erosion

- are formed when motion magma cool & solidifies slowly before it get the surface of the earth to form large crystal
Examples are:

- are formed when molten magma cool
& solidifies rapidly on getting to the
surface of the earth to form small crystal
Examples are :

- sprinkler irrigation
- drip irrigation

(i) pasture is a piece of land or fuld containing grass for sheep,
goats and cattle to eat as it grows
(ii ) paddocking : is where animals are plugged in an enclosed area
so that they can be grase and trained

(5 b )
(i) it increase the farmer income
(ii ) it allows increase in the market value of the farm animal.

(5 c )
(i) it increases soil nutrients
(ii ) it control weed
(iii ) more farmland can be under forest cause
(iv ) there is reduction in the cost of establishment a forest reserve.
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