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Wednesday 3 June 2015

NABTEB 2015 LITERATURE Obj And Theory Answers

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WEDNESDAY 3-6-2015

Nabteb 2015 Lit-In-Engish obj And Theory Answers - Expo
Aunty Ifeoma
-Aunty Ifeoma is a sister of Eugene, a
widow who takes proper care of her three children, and her aged father.
(Papa Nnukwu).
-Although she is a catholic, still she embraces traditional African songs,
beliefs, and practices.
Her loving approach to life is Warm and Welcome from the regimented atmosphere of Eugene’s family. She told Jaja and Kambili frankly that they should always follow her instructions.
-When Eugene her brother did not provide for his aged father Papa
Nnukwu because the old man refused to
be converted to catholic, it was aunty ifeoma who took the responsibility of
Papa’s welfare.
This singular act, made
Papa Nnukwu to lament thus; “My son (Eugene) owns that house that contain every man in Anna yet many times I
have nothing to put on my plate..
Where would I be today if my chi had not given.
me a daughter (Aunty Ifeoma) ?.”
-Although aunty Ifeoma is poor, but she is very accommodating as opposite to what is happening at Eugene’s house at
-Aunty Ifeoma is a radical lecturer who wants better conditions for the
university system.
-Aunty Ifeoma’s name is included in the list of disloyal lecturers compiled by professor Okafor. When She was sacked, she did not waste time to travel to the United States America to secure another
-Aunty Ifeoma does not condescend when her wealthy brother Eugene refuses to help her on condition that she joins the Knights of the Saint John.
-She was annoyed with Eugene when he made Beatrice to have miscarriage by beating and hitting her with a small
table, She counseled Beatrice to stay at Nsukka until Eugene regrets his action. She actually develops as the novel develops.
Children are essential aspect of African marriage as can be seen in the marrital life of Pokuwaa as portrayed in the
-Pokuwaa was growing into womanhood and out of the traditions, superstitions
and fetish sacrifices that control her personal travails.
-She has married twice without being able to bear a child. Her changing of
husband had to do with her mother and society’s demands. She and her mother made lots of sacrifices and prayers to
the great god, “Tono” and her ancestors for the fruit of the womb.
-Pokuwaa now married again to her third husband (Kwadwo) on the ground of looking for a child. She now tries to divert her attention from her
barrenness and puts her energy into farming and building up her home with
Kwadwo. She loves her new husband and would not want any weakness on her part to break up the marriage.
-Kwadwo, though has another wife with
children cooperated fully with pokuwaa and takes part in all the prayers and
sacrifices that has to do with Pokwaa having child.
-Pokuwaa’s mother, a diehard traditionalist believes that constant
sacrifices to the gods and ancestors will give her daughter a child.
-Pokuwaa’s childhood friend, korampoa, who had a similar case of childlessness, has been blessed with a child.
-Pokwaa’s decision to stop the rites of purification and sacrifices brings
calmness and joy she never experienced in her life. Her mother was furious about Pokuwaa’s action and put the blame on Koramoa. Poluwaa’s mother later went into consultation with the
gods and also reported her daughter to the head of their clan.
-Poluwaa eventually became pregnant but she hid it for three months from her mother, friend and husband. When she
broke the news, everybody was happy with her good fortune after so many
years of tears and agony. Her mother was most joyful and attributed the
pregnancy to the gods but Pokuwaa tells her, it was not “Tano” that give the child but the almighty God.
-In her cultural setting, it is a taboo or a grave misfortune for a woman to be of age and ever aging beyond the middle age without a child of her own and this was the fate of Poluwaa.
-In a nutshell and with the case of pokuwaa one can
see that barrenness or childlessness in an African marriage is full of sadness,
serious agony, loneliness, rejection and in order to search for, a lot of rigours are involved.
Manolin also known as “The Boy” is a close confident of Santiago, the Old man.
He learnt the art of fishing form the old man, that is, an apprentice to the old
man in the fishing business for forty days.
-Manolin’s parent orders him to leave the Old man which he did reluctantly.
An obedient son who desires to carry out the will of his parents.
-He assists the man whenever he is around. The boy makes himself
available to provide all his material needs to ensure proper rehabilitation of
the Old man.
-Manolin equally counsels the Oldman (Santiago) not to lose hope despite the fact that his last journey ended unsuccessful and he atimes steals to satisty the Oldman. Manolin is humble,
innocent, reserved but intelligent and calculative.
-No Servant can be more faithful, caring, loving and dutiful than Mandolin
(The Boy).
-In the life of Santiago (The Oldman), The boy “Manolin” is a sort of shock absorber who really work hard to make
sure that the Old man does not suffer in any way.
Jack’s gradual degeneration into savagery and its effect on the boys. Jack is a fully developed character inthe novel.
He is a ruthless leader who believes in brute and crude force.
His central motivation is to hunt, and throughout the novel we find him always wanting to go out on hunting expeditions.
-Jack is responsible for splitting the boys into two groups, thereby causing division and unnecessary acrimony on the Island.
-Physically, jack is tall and thin, red haired and ugly. He is a little smaller than Ralph.
He is firm believer in iron
discipline and compels his boys to obey him totally.
He is arrogant, brave, boastful, unscrupulous, and murderous. All this
apart, he has a fine leadership quality.
-Jack is cooperative and is well disposed to Ralph.
He does not believe in any vague tomorrow but likes to live for today, as through there was no tomorrow. Jack is an amoral character. At the end of the novel, he is the chief of the band of savages.
-As can be seen so far, Jack’s development in the novel is negative.
He becomes less and admirable and even less human as the story progresses.
-Much of Jack’s learning is used only for self
-glorification. He is, therefore, a degenerating character, who lacks any
redeeming quality to become more human.
-His degeneracy takes him into wanting to kill Ralph, his co-leader, who he now sees as a threat to his absolute rule. As the story drags to an end, Jack degenerates into Promiscuity.
He becomes highly emotional and being
ruled by superstition. He does not give any though to doing the ‘right thing’ instead he employs brute or savage force.
-Jack represents dictators who think they can conquer and subdue the whole world. He has a passion and pathological but for hunting which is
symptomatic of his crazy desire to kill.
-Golding feels that all men share this desire, and that it is responsible for
man’s degeneracy.

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