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Saturday 16 May 2015

NUC Approves Al-Hikmah University Postgraduate School

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Al-Hikmah University School of Post Graduate Studies has been approved by the Nigeria Universities Commission NUC.
Prof. Abdulrasheed Ajani Raji, Dean of Post Graduate Studies expounded on this development during an interview on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 in his office.
According to him, Arabic Studies, Islamic Studies and History and International Relations department have been verified by the NUC and programs have started since verification.
Prof. Raji stated that the University has recorded a number of 39 candidates in Islamic Studies and 17 in Arabic Studies making a total of 56 students in the school of Postgraduate Studies.
The Dean also added that the school is optimistic that more interested applicants will consider Al-Hikmah University.

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