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Friday, 1 May 2015

Current Job Vacancies at The University of Uyo - Apply Now

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The University of Uyo is classified by the National Universities Commission (NUC), forfunding purposes, as one of the second generation Universities in Nigeria even though it was founded as a Federal University in 1991. On inception, it inherited the two campuses of the former University of Cross River State, which it replaced. The latter was founded in 1983 as a State University. The University currently has twelve faculties. It occupies a Town Campus and its Annexe and a Main Campus which is a few kilometres away from the Town Campus and its Annexe. The University is committed to the development of highest academic standards both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


  • Job TypeFull Time
  • QualificationPhD/Fellowship
  • Experience20 years
  • LocationAkwa Ibom
  • Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial   Education / Teaching
The post of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Uyo, Uyo, will become vacant by December 1, 2015. In accordance with the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Decree No. 11 of 1993 and the Universities Miscellaneous Provisions Amendment Act 2003, the Governing Council of the University of Uyo wishes to commence the process of filling the vacancy. Interested applicants are please requested to note the following information about the University.
The candidate for the post of the Vice-Chancellor is required to possess a good University education and should be a proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically, the candidate shall be expected to:
a.    be a highly distinguished academic with a Ph. D;
b.    have a minimum of twenty (20) years teaching experience in a university, ten (10) of which must be as a Professor, with the ability to provide academic leadership for such an institution;
c.    be a successful scholar who is well rooted in the finest academic tradition;
d.    have a high reputation nationaUy and internationally and be able to command the respect of the national and international academic communities through his/her track record;
e.    provide administrative leadership to a well informed and articulate academic community;
f.    possess the ability to create the much needed harmony between staff and students on one hand and between members of the university community, and the host community on the other;
g.    be a person with initiative and a clear vision for the accelerated development of a first rate University institution, even under resource constraints;
h.    be someone who appreciates and acts on merit and who will not give in to undue pressure;
i.     enjoy excellent emotional, physical and mental health;
j.     be-a person who is not older than 65 years on assumption of duty as Vice-Chancellor;
k.    be a person with a good grasp of information and communication technology skills, and appreciates its significance in the contemporary knowledge industry.
University Librarian
  • Job TypeFull Time
  • QualificationBA/BSc/HND   PhD/Fellowship
  • Experience18 years
  • LocationAkwa Ibom
  • Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial   Education / Teaching
A vacancy will soon exist for the post of the University Librarian at the University of Uyo. The position will be filled in accordance with  the relevant provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No. 11 of 1993 and the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Act 2003. Interested candidates who meet requisite qualifications and experience as specified below are invited to apply.
Candidates for this post must:
  • Be professionally qualified and practicing librarians;
  • Possess a good honours degree from a recognized University, plus a higher degree (preferably a Ph.D in Library Science) with at least 18 (eighteen) years of relevant experience, preferably in a University or other institutions of higher learning;
  • Have contributed to knowledge through research and publications in reputable journals, as well as possess proven records of sound administrative leadership;
  • Not be below the rank of a Deputy Librarian, or its equivalent.
  • Must be computer literate.
The University Librarian shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the overall administration of the University Library, branches and extension and for providing library services for the entire University Community.
Method of Application
Applications are invited from candidates who fit the above description. Applicants are required to note and comply with the following conditions:
Each application should be made in 25 copies and should be accompanied with 25 copies of the candidates curriculum vitae
duly signed and dated by the candidate; The curriculum vitae must include the candidate’s name in full, age, email address,
marital status, educational attainment (attach photocopies of all credentials), and nationality, professional and academic achievements;
Each application should include the names and addresses of three referees. Each referee should be contacted by the applicant to forward direct to the Registrar the confidential report in properly sealed envelope marked Referee’s Report at the top left hand corner of the envelope;
Each application must be accompanied by 25 copies of statement of the candidate’s vision for the University in the twenty-first century;
All applications shall be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to:
The Registrar & Secretary to Council 
University of Uyo 
Akwa Ibom State
The sealed envelope(s) containing the applications should be marked VICE-CHANCELLOR or UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN at the top left hand corner and forwarded in time to reach the Registrar not later than six weeks from the date of the publication.

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