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Wednesday 6 May 2015

Covenant University Launches Learning Tablets For Students

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The Covenant University, on Wednesday, announced the launch of its mobile learning device that would enable its students to compete with their counterparts in other parts of the world.


According to Covenant University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Charles Ayo, the platform will enable students to maximise their potential in software.

He said that the mobile learning tablet would enhance information dissemination and promote interaction and aid effective learning among students.

He added that 7,500 tablets, already configured with course outline, library facility and tutorial questions, would be given to students.

Ayo noted that the resources loaded on the device had been configured for each semester to improve internal efficiency and value for parents’ money.

"The idea was borrowed from University of Winston, Madison, as part of the institution’s efforts to meet international standard,’’ he said.

The vice-chancellor said that the institution had opened a care centre to address challenges associated with the use of the tablets.

"The tablet is configured to prevent students from using it to make calls as the institution has banned the use of mobile phones among students. It is also to check immoral acts," he said.

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