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Wednesday 13 May 2015

CAMPUS ROMANCE: Female Students; Why You Should Not Have Boyfriend

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1. Fornication/Adultery is a grievous sin in the sight of God.

2. Se x unites bodies and souls of the two persons involved together, physically and spiritually.
This is why God Almighty prescribes it only for the married couples.

3. Latest Scientific Research on Telegony.
According to the new research, if a woman has se x with any man, the woman would retain some genetic traits from the man in her body and these would be transferred to her babies!

4. The presence of genetic traits of any man in a woman’s body, through se x, who is never her husband is a spiritual curse and this curse could be transferred to her children.

5. Guilt and Regret.
Those who go into fornication/adultery eventually regret.

So, my people, stay off boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It’s actually a euphemism for fornication/adultery. Face your studies, pray and work hard. Then, plan and wait for your time to do the right thing – marriage. With this, you’ll be highly blessed and you’ll have no cause to regret on this.

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