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Wednesday 20 May 2015

11 Habits of Highly Successful Students. Learn Them and Start Succeeding

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11 Habits of Highly Successful Students. Learn Them and Start Succeeding 

The definition of success for students varies as there are many faces on every campus. However, we all know a succeeding student when we see one.
Successful students have habits they are developed over time. They don’t do things or live their lives like the average student.
Like it is often said, “You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result” therefore, if you can’t boldly put yourself in the class of succeeding students then it is time to change some of your habits and imbibe habits of students who are succeeding.
Here are 11 of such habits seen in most succeeding students. Learn them, apply them and begin to succeed.
1. They’re Internally Motivated
It is their intrinsic desire to be their best selves and succeed that drives their motivation. They are internally driven—not pushed—toward new adventures, the unfolding journey, and the possible outcomes—they relish challenging themselves, learning, and exploring.
2. They Don’t Waste Time Judging other Students
They objectively observe the successes and mistakes of others and learn from them instead of judging or comparing themselves. They don’t waste their time with judgmental, gossipy people either.
3. They Are Humble
When they goof, they are willing to admit they made a mistake and apologize. They encourage feedback from others and use it to take steps in the right direction.
4. They are always Optimistic
Instead of focusing on what’s not working and bad experiences—which so many of us tend to do—they instead focus on what is working and their successes. If they find themselves overthinking a miscalculation, they automatically flip a switch and think about those things they did do right.
5. They Are True to themselves
They are true to themselves despite what others think—they don’t live their lives solely to please others.
6. They are Determined to Succeed
They face discomfort head on to get the result they want. They push themselves out of their comfort zone and get rid of those annoying internal voices that say, “You can’t get the grade you desire becuase this course is difficult”. They trust their abilities and know they will come out on top.
7. They Never Stop Learning
They read a lot and are brilliant observers—they are always watching and searching for new, more efficient, and faster ways to achieve. They understand that in order to be better than the average student, they must always continue to learn.
8. They Know What They Want
They have a clear vision of what they want their lives to look like and who they want to be. Their clarity comes with the wisdom to know what things to harness and what things to avoid.
9. Giving up is not an option for them
They “Never say never” but prefer to say “Anything is possible.” When they stumble over that proverbial bump in the road, they problem solve, come up with a plan, take action, and get past it. They understand that a sure way to lose a battle is to quit—which is not a part of their vocabulary or an option.
10. They Don’t Blame Others for their failures
They never blame lecturers, other students, lack of books, etc. for their failures. They understand that ultimately they alone are in charge of their actions and choices and no other.
11. They Surround Themselves with Motivators
Their friends are those who are trustworthy, positive, and supportive and who bring out the best in them unconditionally. Their friends help them take on the world side by side and, when needed, help them get back on their feet again.
What other habits have you noticed in succeeding students that is not mentioned here? Kindly Share

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