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Tuesday 7 April 2015

Learn to outshine other Job Interview Candidates

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Few things are as nerve-wrecking as stepping into an interview, especially if it’s for your dream job. From the minute you walk into the room you should aim to stand out from the crowd and prove to the employer that you are the best candidate for the job. Not sure how to create a lasting first impression? Follow the useful tips to ensure you’re a cut above the rest.
Make the first impression count
First impressions are created within the first few seconds of meeting so be sure not to get caught picking in your teeth or tugging at your outfit when your potential employer greets you. Compose yourself as soon as you leave your car; confidence and a smile is step one.
Show your enthusiasm
If you really want the job, show it. Get excited about the position or find something about it that inspires you. The emotion will rub off on the interviewer and help them see that you are the right person for the job.
Make your outfit interesting
No, interesting does not equal busy and out of control. Add something small and unique to your outfit to show-off your personality. Try a statement necklace or an extraordinary set of cufflinks. The attention to detail won’t go unnoticed and will certainly set you apart from another suit or black dress.
Bring your portfolio
Fill your portfolio with: A. Your best work and B. Work that will relate to the company. It’s a good idea to leave a copy of your portfolio with the interviewer – see it as a tool to help keep you top of mind.
Prepare, prepare, prepare
Prepare a list of questions you hope the interviewer won’t ask, and then prepare answers for them. It’s best to be overly prepared than not at all. Difficult questions include:Why did you get fired from your last job? Why is there a one-year gap in your work history?
Give everyone your winning smile
Rudeness travels fast. Be polite to everyone you meet, from the receptionist to the stranger passing by – after all, you never know how important that stranger really is in the company.

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