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Friday 13 March 2015

Verified JAMB UTME CBT ANSWERS For DAY 5 [13th March, 2015]

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-I -Small intestine
-Goat -Bacillary dysentery
-Sickle cell disease
-Stomata and lenticels
-Temperate deciduous forest
-AB only
-Shoot pressure
-They both have cell wall
-All the offspring would be black
-mitochondrion -Spirogyra
-carbohydrates and lipids \
-wide pit
-The brain and the spinal cord
-Chromosomes arranged on spindle \
-fibres during cell division
-Remove excess water
-Hairy and waxy cuticle on leaves
-discontinuous variation
-lodine -Community
-Flowering plants
-skull -Anaphase
-Pollen grain
-Flying erratically
-Humidity and wind
-Green leaf
-Denitrifying bacteria
-I and II only
-Soil profile
-Manufacture their own food
-Mouth -Bacteria algae mosses fern seed plants
-Contractile vacoule
-Potassium -Dog -Nitrites
-Acid -Food storage
-Three of them will have group BB
-Colour blindness
-Secondary consumers to decomposers
-A symbiotic association `
-Reversal of the normal stomatal rythm
-Applying chemical to kill snails
-Syphilis -Sulphur dioxide
-4.0g per 100g dry soil
-Loss of fertility
-Helps to conserve soil fertility
-Climatic -Passing it through the mouth
-Require moisture for fertilization
-Explosive mechanism -Protonema
-Auxillary bud
-Holding fast to the host \
-Light bones -Excretory system
-Yellow fever -Collenchyma
-Increase the surface area of absorption
-Movement of mineral salt is is hardly affected -Photometer
-Minerals salt
-Climax community
-5 -2y-3x)(y-6x)
-a semicircle
-0 -18/13
-3x-4y+18=0 \
-2 -(1 3) (0 1)
-80 degree –
-5 \
-[14 8] [7 7]
-7.5m -720mins
–4lessthan or equal x lessthan or eqaul to
-(3/8, -3/2)
–4, 1
-3/5 -1/5
-12xraise to power 2
-3 and half years
-11001 binary2
-1000 base3
– k+w/t raised to power 2
– 3/2
– 720mins
– 189cm
– 18
– {2,4,14,18,26}
– 25
-4, 1 –
– 100 degree
– 3/5
– 36
– -1/2cos2x+k
– x<-6
- (a+b)(y-x)
- 7!
- circle with that fixed point as centre
- 53degree
- {6,7}
- [1 3] [0 1]
- 4 - 543g
- 1/2
- 1/5
- 1000 binary3 -
- 37degree
- 2x+1/2x raise to power
- 2+root3
- 800
- 3
- 720
- [14 8] [7 7] - x<-1/2 \
- 0.6 - 7
- #45000
- 30
- 43cm -
- 22
- 1/2
- 2/5
- 2
- 2y-3x)(y-6x)
- 5 - 20 square units
- 10root3cm - 4
- 12
- {2,10,14,22,26}
- x>4 – 2y-3x)(y-6x)
– 12
– 345
– 6
– 187
– 10cube root 3cm
– 36
– 7!
– x>-8 –
-12 cos (-4x)
– 4 2/3
– 4pie cm
– 4-cube root6
– (2 1) (-1 -2)
– 2x+1/2xraise to power
-1/2 – x+7
– 34tonnes
– root6
– 3/2
– 9.0%
– 10
– 5
– 20cm
– 1/5
– 80decree
– -1/4cos 4x+c
– -2
– 1 \
– 1232 binary4
– 7
– 6
– -4less than or equal to x less than
– -3
– 28
– 16
– 41/3
– 37.5
– 30%
– 7
– 2.5x10raise to power 2
– 1/6
– {7,9,11,12,13,15}
– 720
– -4, 2
– 3/4
– 120 degree
– 3
-9m/s^2 \
-17F -900N
-25N -Efficiency=Work done by hand/Workdone by effort Taking moment about p
-4.5N/s -0.24N -2.5*10^5watts
-the gold nucleus is positively charged and is concentrated in a tiny volume
-Gamma ray
-henry and ohm
-2m/s -Fysin0
-Increase with the tension in the string
– Sublimation
– 80degree cenus
– lower than that of the container
– pitch
– 6.13x10raise to power5 j
– 0.83nf – Fundamental interval
– 2333m/s
– 360degree
– 0.7
– a rectifier
– upthrust
– Pressure
– I and II
– Nickel, steel and iron
– 0.8ohms
– Steel, solenoid, d,c
– 680m – Solar energy
– 1.1m – full wave length
– 175Hz
– 2i
– Polarity connection
– 40cm
– 28.28s
– 180k
– pressure
– Weather condition
– all factor inputs that are employed 24
– Underdeveloped infrastructural facilities
– 59
– 11
– technology
– national income estimates
– losses
– 60
– its elasticity of demand
– complements
– Maximum price
– the marginal cost is equal to the price of the firm
– General price level in the country \
– the marginal cost is equal to the marginal revenue curve
– General price level in the country – the availability of resources
– the forces of demand and supply
– Extension worker
– differences in natural resources endowment
– absence of transportation cost
– higher the price the higher the quantity supplied
– exploration of crude oil
– maintenance of stable exchange rates
– two to fifty – have a very strong capital base
– indifference curves
– a decrease in price and an increase in quantity
– Demand-pull Inflation
– unitary elastic
– the availability of agricultural land
– population growth
– mean – debt servicing
– decrease the quantity demanded – #66.7m
– total value of visible import and export
– isoquant is tangent to tthe isocost curve
– desire to hold money in liquid from rather than investing it
– excess supply
– transfer payment
– private sector
– 27 and 13
– total utility
– fall – distortion of census figures
– a change in the consumption pattern
– ratio of change is saving – unlimited size of membership
– inadequate modern farm implements
– vicious cycle of poverty
– development
– Price to be constant
– Long-term finacial instruments
– IMF – Many buyers and few sellers
– T
– Mechanized farming
– Cost of production
– proximity to raw materials
– 2
– level of income
– price index
– huge investment outlay
– #3.80
– 32
– The level of income
– Demand and supply forces
– Zero
– Literacy level
– Decrease
– Fertilizer
– %change in quantity supplied/%change in price
– redistribute wealth and income
– efficient combination of the factors of production
– MP=0
– Rationality
– Birth and death rates
– 70.6
– Poor developmental policies
– Composite demand
– #40 – Exportation of crude oil
– Shares are easily transferred
– Ease of diversification of production
– Price is an incentive to consumers
– commodities
– Efficiency in pricing and distribution of the products
– Artificial Scarcity
– Low domestic gas utilization
– Average revenue of the seller
– Marginal productivity of labour
– 35.0
– 22
– Towards the Land
– Stimulates investment
– Private sector and the government
– #15.00 – A pencil and a pen
– Stimulate investment
– Proximity to raw materials
– Artificial scarcity
– Distribute income equitably
– Long-term finacial instruments
– Salaries and wages
– C+I+G+(X-M)
– Organising training and development
– Commodities
– decrease
– Price to be constant
– MP=0
– Inflationary gap
– Vertical mobility
– Privatization
– #3.80
– X
– S
– oil marketing and prospecting
– Devalue a country’s currency
– Dual exchange rate system
– cost of production
– AC is lowest
– poor developmental policies
– #3 – price index
– Few sellers
– Price index
– Ease of diversification
– Hierarchy
– absolute monarchy
– ministry of foreign affairs
– ECOWAS – Sarkin Ruwa
– Ownership of land is vested in the community
– Public opinion – Raisman Commission
– Presidential system
– personality clash among its leaders
– Israel
– Alaafin
– Best citizens rule
– Deputy Directors
– Simple majority system
– Charismatic authority
– Curbing smuggling
– aristocracy
– President
– There is a separate election for the executive and the legislature
– Nigeria wanted to forcefully axtradite Alhaji Umar Dikko From Britain
– The post of Chairman, Joint Chiefs of staff was created
– Fix and allocate production quotas to member nations
– National Youth Service Corps – military government
– OPEC – Absolute power
– Civil Service Commission
– The State defines the rights of individuals
– Council of ministers
– Introduction of presidential system
– Promotional interest groups
– Clifford Constitution
– Protect Her Domestic Environment – approval of their annual budgers
– acquitting order
– Vote
– Liberia
– Communalism
– NRC and SDP
– Approval of declaration of war
– Judicial review
– Economic dependence
– age
– third-tier of government
– State House of Assembly
– India – waziri
– suspend the constitution
– defined territoty
– 2001
– State
– Congo
– Secretary of State
– State
– Regulation of oil production and price
– Fascism
– Prevents many members from defection
– national interest
– 1963 Constitution
– hereditary
– Rigid Constitution
– dynamic
– 1951
– Separation of powers
– Concentration of power
– Maintain international peace and security
– Lagos Daily News
– Authority – Decolonization
– Private ownership
– 1979 Constitution
– 1979
– Conceived by the military
– 1967
– Legitimacy
– Economic
– Naturalization
– Judiciary
– Truly non-aligned
– Oligarchy
– Indirect election
– A State creation bill
– AU
– Direct rule
– Nigeria is neither committed t the West nor the East
– Bashorun
– Presidential
– Secretariat
– National Youth Service Corps
– 25 members
– Igbo
– Executive
– Introduction of the republican form of government
– Report Findings to appropriate authorities
– Have similar interest
– Britain
– Prosecute offenders
– have similar interest
– fascism
– de-emphasizes the differences among party member
– integration of different groups \
– dynamic
– 1951
– Parliamentary
– Conference of prime ministers
– 2001
– Liberia
– Governor
– Promoting world peace and security
– Prevent tyranny and abuse of power
– Nations Formerly under British Empire
– Judicial review
– fiscal Responsibility Commission
– Parochial, subject and cognitive
– Nigeria Television Authority
– British Civil Service
– Civil rights
-use of traditional rulers
– bye-law – unitary
– is not easy to manipulate bills
– Oyo Mesi and Ogboni
– Full political rights
– Board of directors
– Exclusive list
– General Assembly
– Civil Service Commission
– Political independence of Nigeria
– Africa
– Supreme Court
– charismatic
-independent of the executive
– entertaining complaints against public servants
– Lagos
– King
– Economic weakness
– Manifesto
– legal sovereignty
– Desire for peace and stability in West Africa
-The Film
-maker and his audience
-Picture and sound
-Localised and newsreel audiences
-Its content
-Exploration into science and technology
-Sensitive weapon
-Security purposes
-Signal from at least four satellites can be used for a precise measurement of a specific location
-Her participation in the christmas concert
-Punish Jim for the wrong doings.
-He listened to the distant sound of the
-Miss Novi’s act of kindness to the boy who fainted
-She was a straight A
-Mr Mallum
-She became friendly
-definitely changed
Jimi’s Life
-Looked sickly and malnourished
-Cardiopulminary resuscitation
-His mother
-His property was completely drained
-The team came last
-He expresses the opinions of
the association
-The creature has a bad attribute
-They don’t have a sense of belonging
-The conditions are now favourable
-He took no notice of what was happening
-She did not believe that her appointment
had been terminated
-Audu said he was not given enough gift
-Toriola chose to always be punctual in the office
-an honourable
-an unfaithful
-An implausible
-With Shock
-Much dirty
-looked on
-doesn’t she
-twice as much as
-had gone
-a great health
-care crisis
-Is being
-lost heealing skills
-the tallest
-ran off
-Who prepared a delicious
-What does the rich man do twice in a day?
-Does the man work in Lagos?
-conflicts are noted for facilitating
-the approach to employ in conflict management depends on the state of affairs -usefulness
-the only authority has is its language
-it distinguishes that society from the
-our native language is as important as the world around us
-the language of instruction is ideally one’s own language
-extravagant -his action were seriously rejected
-he wasn’t given the car because his father complained
-they control the capital more strictly
-my brother and i haven’t seen the movie -she cannot change the way things happen -conformity
-jumping into a nearby bush
-he was brooding
-humble and likeable person
-school perfects
-he murmured awkwardly
-unite against the bullying of the eldest brother
-a discipline master
in the school
-the lecture is an experience that changes the way she thinks
-try not to be bold and weak
-he was not invited and so he did
not attend
-he would support the club
-he is one of those that live in
distant and underdeveloped area
-someone who never drinks alcohol
-come off
-A live
-would not have rushed into it
-didn’t he
-wasn’t he
-kept apart
-types of programme
-does he
-stand up for
-fell into
-is bukola’s aunt a strict teacher?
-who is a lawyer

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