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Monday 23 March 2015

UNN admission process still faulty

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SIR: I could have closed the chapter on the admission process in the University of Nigeria (UNN) , with regard to 2014/2015 session, which has been concluded. But my interest in the issue was resurrected when I stumbled on an article online of recent. It alleged that admission to universities are now for the highest bidder and cited many cases of candidates being made to pay different charges, depending on courses being sought admission for.
The article may have been informed by what the writers regarded as their findings on the uproar that had trailed the process of admission in that highly-rated institution. But my own experience could be used as a basis to conclude that something has gone wrong somewhere.
My son went through an ordeal in a bid to be admitted to read law in the University of Nigeria Nsukka, all of which came to naught.
Suffice it to say that I’m yet to comprehend how a candidate could have performed impressively well and yet won’t be considered for unfettered admission; for he had scored 220 marks in the UTME (JAMB’s admission cut-off mark for the course was180). And he made 290 in the Post-UTME (cut-off mark was 250), but all of that could not offer him a place, unless he was able to cough out N500,000, according to an official, who said the marks should have given this boy admission on merit, but could be remedied if the money was available!
I had in the said letters argued that even if I had such an amount, I lack the moral latitude that could see me buy admission for my child. But till date, the letters were not acknowledged, let alone the issue being treated apart from an aide to the VC threatening to take me to court to prove that admission was for sale.
I drew the attention of the Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Law Faculty over this, through two separately couriered mails. I requested a review of the case. Firstly, I lack such an amount being demanded by the syndicate.
I had in the said letters argued that even if I had such an amount, I lack the moral latitude that could see me buy admission for my child. But till date, the letters were not acknowledged, let alone the issue being treated apart from an aide to the VC threatening to take me to court to prove that admission was for sale.

Well, the hapless candidate has taken that as his fate, and has been advised by higher reasoning to opt for a re-sit for admission. However, that definitely cannot be for this same institution, which ironically is my alma mater

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