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Monday 16 March 2015

Top 5 Things You Must Do To Avoid Being Initiated Into A Cult (A Must Read For Freshers)

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There are many reasons why people delve into cultism.

For some it’s a freewill… But some unfortunate ones are coerced into joining.

However, one can choose to refuse being a member at all cost while doing these;

1. Avoid bad company at all cost. I know this one sounds obvious… But a guy who is really determined to keep away has his starting point in this cliche advice.

Evil communication they say, corrupts good manners; it’s that simple! 

2. Be selective of the parties you attend on campus – some people don’t even attend at all.

3. Be peaceful with all. I knew a guy in 100Level who made trouble with a cultist at a viewing centre, without knowing the guy is a cultist. As the story went, the dude tracked him home with his ‘boys’ and they severely dealt with him.

He became angry and decided he was going to revenge… What was his revenge? He went to ‘blend’… Dude was killed when we were in 300L. Shot at Ekosodin – anyone who knows this place know how tough it is -. He would have being able to avoid all that disaster if he had kept his cool that day at the viewing centre.

4. Learn to channel your exuberance to good and productive causes.

5. Be active in your campus fellowship. Whether you’re a christian, a muslim or whatever… Just make sure you attend and/or are active in whatever is being done in your fellowships.

’cause with what I experienced in school, those guys know the people they can walk up to and coerce into joining them; and a ‘that-guy-too-they-go-church’ kinda person is not on that list.

Finally, this doesn’t concern the students… It’s more a task that I think should be implemented by management to reduce the bane of cultism on our campuses:

** To make cultism unattractive and an unnecessary option, there must be improved facilities and living conditions on campuses so as to minimize perceived strain in the social system which underlines cultism on our campuses. 

Our institutions must be overhauled inorder to be capable of providing for all who live within them and be able to correct the injustices against any student or group of students by peaceful and lawful means. 

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