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Monday 9 March 2015

Prayer for All 2015 JAMBITES

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As the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation commences in few hours from now, we would like to use this opportunity to commit the whole exercise into God’s hands.

No matter what anyone thinks, the importance and relevance of prayer to success cannot be overemphasized.

For all those participating in the 2015 UTME, our prayer for you is that God will inspire your minds to remember all that you’ve read and have been taught, the understanding to answer the questions correctly and favor that will cause all the sleepless nights, financial and other resources that has been spent in the course of preparing for this examination to have the reward of good success. Amen

If you believe in the power of prayers, please do type your own prayer request for all 2015 JAMB candidates using the comment box below. 

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One Response so far.

  1. browserr says:

    Insha Allah may we all comes out in flying colours

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