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Sunday 8 March 2015

2016 – 2017 Paris IAS Research Fellowships for International Applicants in France

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Applications are on-going for the 2016 – 2017 Paris IAS Research Fellowships for International Applicants in France. The Paris Institute for Advanced Studies welcomes applications from high level international scholars and scientists in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences and related fields for periods of five or nine months, during the academic year 2016-2017. 
The Paris IAS will host around twenty guest researchers, allowing them to work freely on the project of their choice. The researchers will benefit from the scientific environment of the Institute and have the opportunity to create contacts with researchers in the academic institutions of Greater Paris. The Paris IAS will host around twenty guest researchers and are awarded in humanities, the social sciences and other related fields.
Duration of Award
Fellowships are awarded for periods of five or nine months. Applicants may request residencies for the following periods: 1 September 2016 to 31 January 2017 (5 months); 1 October 2016 to 30 June 2017 (9 months) or 1 February to 30 June 2017 (5 months).
Scholarship Value
    • The Paris IAS provides its fellows with a monthly remuneration (or complement of remuneration) and a total or partial coverage of their housing expenses. It also pays for their round-trip ticket to Paris.
    • Status and remuneration: Fellows who maintain their status in their home institution benefit from a stipend. For others, the Paris IAS proposes a short term research contract with salary. In all cases, the remuneration depends on the fellow’s personal and professional situation and on whether he or she continues to receive pay from his/ her home institution. The benchmark pay scale corresponds to prevailing standards in French academia.
    • Housing: To facilitate housing for its guest researchers, the Paris IAS has formed partnerships with two residences that host international researchers: Maison Suger and Les Récollets. It covers the rent of the apartments in these residences. If a fellow chooses to live in a private apartment, the IAS can provide a housing stipend which amount varies on the basis of the family situation of the fellow.
    • Travel: Travel costs from the fellow’s home to Paris and back are covered by the IAS (economy class).
    • Insurances: The IAS’ fellows will need to get a personal insurance covering all risks during their stay, for themselves as well as the people accompanying them.
    • Support for research: During their stay, the fellows will have an office at the Paris IAS (Hôtel de Lauzun) with a computer, Internet access, and printer. The IAS provides meeting and conference rooms. The fellows can receive financial support and materials for their work and research activities. This includes organising scientific events (colloquia, seminars, lectures, doctoral training, etc.) and research-related travel. Support for the translation and publication of their research texts can also be proposed. The Paris IAS and its partner institutions have signed agreements enabling the fellows to enjoy special access and lending privileges in the main Paris university-based research libraries. In addition, the fellows can have their books and documents delivered directly from the libraries to the institute.
      • Researchers from all countries are eligible. Applicants who have spent more than a total of 12 months in France during the last 3 years prior to the application are not eligible.
      This call for applications is open to:
        • Senior university professors or researchers holding a permanent position in a university or research institution and having a minimum of 10 years of full time research experience after their PhD (at the time of the application).
        • Junior scholars having the status of postdoctoral researcher or holding a position in a university or research institution, and having a minimum of 2 and maximum of 9 years of research experience after the PhD (at the time of the application).
        • The institute is bilingual. Knowledge of English is required. The applicants are also expected to understand French, as scientific and social activities are held in French and English.
        Selection Criteria
        The main criteria of selection are the same for white and thematic programs:
          • the scientific quality of the project, its innovative character and it’s importance for the scientific community;
          • the career path of the applicant;
          • the quality of the scientific contacts of the applicants in France, and the applicant’s capacity to collaborate with French scholars and research teams.
          Application Procedure and Deadline
          The application, in English or French, must be submitted via an online application system. Results will be published in December 2015. The application deadline is April 30, 2015.
          Official Scholarship Website –

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