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Tuesday 3 March 2015

2015 Elections Between Goodluck Jonathan and Mohammed Buhari: See What Students Are Saying

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All eligible voters in Nigeria will be en-route to polls to vote who will be their next President come March 28, 2015. Although they are not the only Presidential candidates, but for some obvious reasons, people’s choices seemed to have narrowed to Goodluck Jonathan and Mohammed Buhari of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressive Alliance (APC) respectively.
Of a truth not all students in Nigeria are up to the national voting age or have Permanent Voters’ Card (PVC), but then a representative number of them are eager to join the mass of the electorate who wish to elect credible leaders into the seat of President, Governorship, Lawmakers in both state and federal levels.
Just as every business man in Nigeria need favourable conditions, availability of good roads, stability of prices of goods, normalized exchange rate for the Naira compared to dollars, Euro, Pounds, etc., our students need a man that is ready to take the education sector further to the next expected level in the next four years. Such is why they debate on who takes over from March 28: Goodluck Jonathan or Buhari?
We are going to open the comment box for you as a Nigerian to air your views. But before then, take a time to read what a few students are saying as gathered from a public forum. Just go through what they have before you add yours. Wondering if you have to say anything? Well, unless of course it doesn’t concern you. It’s Nigeria, its our country not Goodluck’s or Buhari’s.

What students are saying…

Mayaki said: “In d last six years he built 14 federal uni, two of which my friends gained admission into.
From benin to ore, the road is now an express road I travelled on it last year.
Agricultural sector has now improved @ least d rice I ate for xmas was a nigeria made rice (otunba).
Also trains with air conditions now run from lagos to kano nd from port harcourt to maiduguri. And even the auto mobile factory dat now produce car in nigeria. So now tell me which govt has done more dan GEJ???
Talking about buhari: @ age 32 he was a minister. Nd now @ age 73 he wants to be a president??? Why won’t he give the young chance?”
Dascom said: “A train with no toilet nd d day it was to b unveiled with d vice president in only worked 4 few minutes nd stopped wat a shame,nd if I may ask ave u seen any1 in d nigerian made bus or car,let dere b change sai baba sai buhari”
Musa said: “I WILL VOTE FOR CHANGE I WIL VOTE 4 GMB …………GEJ IX INCOMPETENTJonathan has refused to go after those who are squandering our patrimony. Corruption is rampant and he is pretending that all is well. You cannot be a follower of Christ and allow evil to run rampant around you. How long can we continue this dance of death? How long are we going to allow these men from the forest of thousand demons to continue to desecrate our land? It is about time we chased them away. We need discipline and decorum in governance. And that is what Muhammadu Buhari is about.VOTE4CHANGEVOTE4GMB”. Buhari is everything that Jonathan is not. He is disciplined, painstaking and has a visceral dislike for corruption. He has promised to confront corruption and he is just about the only politician that has the credential to do that. He has done it before and he will do it again. The man cares passionately for the poor of the land and wants to do his bit to help them. Buhari is not a drunk and he is not in the business of running around with other people’s wives.
Cengo4Chris Said: “Ever since Jonathan assumed the position 6 years ago, Buhari and his fellow have never rested. They postulated that they were born to rule d that no one else should lead Nigeria. To make it impossible for others to rule well, they formed the terrorist group called boko-haram to tarnish the image of Jonathan’s administration. Now, they have almost succeeded; but they cannot trick me into power. They may have confused you to believe that GEJ has failed, but only he who has divine in him will notice that he has been one of the best Nigerian president so far! Nigeria is the giant of Africa, but GEJ did not appear in the list of African richest presidents. Why do you have to accuse him of looting? If GEJ has stolen Nigerians money, other past leaders like Obasanjo has stolen times ten(*10); NO politician is perfect! Every president that has lead Nigeria all had their second tenure, but they want to trick you to deny GEJ his second tenure; I’m not part of it. Calm down your curiosity and think well, you will see that GEJ has tried, even in the presence of criticisms. He would have done more that he has done if not for all these kleptomaniac fingers he denied the access to looting our wealth, now in APC trying to get him down and realise their corrupt dreams. But their failure is their choice of candidate, buhari, who has nothing good to deliver. A dictator, old and fierce to force you to slavery.
I am disappointed that a student who calls himself a leader of tomorrow will open his mouth and say that he/she is in support of a 73 YEAR OLD dictator without good EDUCATIONAL details.
They confuse you with the word, change, but did they tell you how they are going to make the change?? Their’s actually a possibility of change, but believe me, it will be in the negative direction. Don’t be deceived!!
I know, boko-haram would stop if buhari wins,’cause the quickest solution to every problem is gotten from the source of the problem. Mind you, the quickest solution is not always the best solution. A worse situation than boko-haram will accompany it. Have you ever wondered how he is going to stop conquer the boko-haram which the world forces have combined to execute but failed? Don’t rack your brain, he is never going to conquer them; he is going to order them to stop and they will stop! Do they deserve to live again?? A little patience with GEJ and he will conquer them in God’s time. Remember, God’s time is not always the quickest, but always the best!
…And YOU said?

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