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Tuesday 10 February 2015

Silly Things Ladies Do in Campus When In Love

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we tend to do crazy things when in love ,but ladies are far more crazy when emotions are attached.
below are some silly things ‘ladies’ do when in love.
Isolate family and friends: 
Some women not only forget themselves when they hook up with a new guy, but they also forget their friends and families too. When the ultimatum is given to choose between the men and their families, many women choose the men. Friends help define who we are, and we need in our lives. Do you give up good friends or family members because you are in love or married? Do you turn your back on people who are important to you rather than risk the loss of a man’s love? Why do some men try to separate you from the family and friends you loved? Some men are insecure within themselves and thus they try to cut you off from your support system. When you are getting less support from these people, you will depend more on the man for love and support, even when he isn’t there for you.
regular declaration of your love for your boyfriend on facebook while none of his statuses are about you.
i see this all time. Everyday it’s “I love so and so forever!” or “Can’t wait to be Mrs. So and So”. its his bigggg picture you see on her face book and blackberry profile and you go over to his profile and his updates are “i love this game’ or “Going to the Bar after work, cant wait to hang out with my guys”, there is no single picture of the lover girl in his facebook picture album! You wouldn’t guess he was in a relationship with ‘Miss Clingy pants’. In fact if you didn’t know any better, you’d assume he was single.
Living together before marriage 
YEAH!, this sounds old school, outdated and crazy. Couples who live together before marriage are one third more likely to break up within 10 years. Wait until the two of you know, love and respect each other, then get married. Make a commitment, and then move in. Do not move in without the commitment. If he loves you as much as you love him, he would marry you and not just ask you to move in with him to be his cook, sex slave, washer woman etc and at the end of the day, fling you out of his life for another tooth pick legged girl.
$aying they are cool when they are not
Ladies, you need to learn to be honest about your stuff. If you meet a man and he tells you he has a lot of female friends, you can’t say you’re cool with that and then start freaking out and getting jealous every time you see him with a woman. If you say you don’t mind a man with children, please do not throw a temper tantrum if he can’t see you on the weekend because he’s spending time with his child. If he says he wants to keep seeing you but also see other people, don’t say it’s cool and then freak out because he’s seeing other people. This is so obvious to me that I can’t even believe someone needs to point it out
Spend two hours in front of the mirror so that you look adorable.
You can never let him catch you without wearing a makeup, Pony tail in the morning, hair draping over your shoulders in the afternoon, hair up in the evening! There is nothing wrong with wanting to put your best face forward, but never allowing him to see your blemishes or hair mussed only proves that you believe beauty is only skin deep. If it is love you are after let him see you natural sometimes.  Loving eyes see no imperfection.
Emptying their bank accounts: 
hmmmm, this is for the rich babe, from getting him the flashiest car, to buying him the latest designs, some women have been extremely generous when it comes to bearing their men gifts. Some even go further than that and give the men complete access to their bank accounts, without any guarantee that the men will be committed to them for a lifetime and at the end of the day, the get dumped when the money is out
inking a tattoo of his name: 
We’re sure you’ve heard that love can be painful, and this has never seemed more true than when we consider a woman who will tattoo her partner’s name on her body. Sadly, these tattoos often outlast the relationships.
Allowing themselves to be punching bags
in some circles, a man is still expected to show his love by beating his woman.Unfortunately, some women still hold strong to this view and will give the men the benefit of the doubt when they profess their “undying love”.

Have a child to keep him
Some women still believe that bearing a child for a man is the best way to keep him faithful or to make him marry her. Even while not feeling prepared for a child, some take the plunge into motherhood for the sake of their man.

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