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Monday 23 February 2015

If You Talk To Girls In These 3 Ways, They Will Fall Crazily In Love With You

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These 3 ways of talking to girls that i am about to pour on your laps always work like magic, every single time. with just these three ways of talking to girls you can get them to become addicted to you, always come around you and basically love to be around you like crazy. Turn it up just a bit, use it on your dream girl and you will have her sending you love texts like her life depends on it 

Go through these strategies then ask any girl around you weather they work and my guess is that they would give you a resounding yes. 

Before i go into the strategies let me quickly tell you why these strategies work.

stay with me

Here is the thing; 

- One; girls always get guys coming around them - every single time. walk through a girl's Facebook inbox and you will be marveled at the tons of unread messages in it. In real life, same thing happens - they get approached by guys all the time. an average girl gets approached by at least two guys every week or two guys everyday if she is pretty (that's 4 guys every week)

This attention gets to a girl's head, she starts feeling like a prize and when that happens shakara steps in. 

- Two; Girls are bombarded by loads and loads of boring guys everyday. it can be tiring, trust me - what they do is to filter away the boring guys and focus on the more interesting ones.

If girls don't like talking to you long in real life and in social media then it means you are not communicating with them in these three ways i am about to reveal. If girls always give you "k" and "lol" on social media, it is not because they are rude - it is because you are plain boring (that is the painful truth). but here is the good news, you can change how you communicate with girls and become a more attractive guy by using this 3 strategies

here they are -

1. Teasing
2. Sarcasm
3. Bedroom talk

#1. Teasing:

Some guys can be a big nightmare to girls. what girls hate like crazy is a guy who keeps asking tons and tons of question when they discuss with them. questions like: "how was your day", "have you eaten", "hope your day was good", "hope you are fine"

all in one chat/conversation.

This is boring, it bores the hell out of girls.

You have to be more interesting than that if you want that girl to find you interesting. You have to flirt with her using the teasing strategy. 

how does this work?

simple - teasing basically means to make fun of a girl in a playful way.

let me give you practical examples - Instead of coming to a girls Facebook Picture and commenting with "Beautiful Picture" (which is boring - every guy does it), You could flip this around and comment instead with - "Comot here joor, you are too sexxxy for my liking, i can't date someone like you."

To a guy, a talk like this is silly (i know) but to a girl it works like magic. (Try it right now, go on Facebook and try it out under a girl's picture and watch her reaction).

More examples - You could call up a girl and instead of asking her "did you think of me?" (which is as boring as hell and makes her feel like you are begging to be thought of), the best way to start the conversation is to playfully say - "I know you've been thinking about me all day so i am here to free your mind" *smile* "how are you". The reason why this works on girls is that it:

- makes you different from other guys who are boring
- Makes you appear confident.
- Makes you more attractive because by making fun of her you give her the impression that you are not trying to impress her like other guys do (and nothing is as attractive to girls as a guy who doesn't try to impress them like a puppy)

Now note; it doesn't matter what you say but how you say it. someone can say the above things and it will seem like he is arrogant while another person would say the exact same thing and it would work like a magnetic magic on a girl. so the right way to tease a girl is to always make fun of her with a smile. it doesn't mean saying nasty things to her; the right way to tease is to always make it seem like you are playing around with your little sister.

for more on how to tease a girl and the right ways to go about it so as to make her see you as a potential boyfriend in minutes, that is where my e-book comes in (see my profile for a picture of it), in it i went into very deep details on how to tease your way into a girl's heart - no matter how tough or hard to get she is (to get the e-book you can add the number above on watsapp and send your messages to it or call the number on my profile).

PS: will continue with the other two strategies in my next posts 

Stay tuned.

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