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Saturday 21 February 2015

18 Things You Should Tell Yourself Every Day in The Morning!

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“Good Morning!” It is said everyday, yet do you feel it? Do you feel good every morning? Does each morning bring with it another ray of hope, a reason to fight for your dreams and keep your spirit alive? Well it should and here are a few absolute ‘musts’ to tell yourself every day, first thing in the morning, for a better, happier, more successful day, every day.

1. Today is a new day

So yesterday was a bad day and maybe so was the previous week or yesterday was good and so was the previous week, however today is a new day. It’s yet another day to make progress and change whatever I want to change and be whoever I want to be. The bad won’t last, the good won’t either, so I must do my best today.

2. Tomorrow won’t hurry up

No matter what I do, unless I have a time machine and haven’t told the world yet, tomorrow won’t hurry up. It’ll take its sweet time and creep up on me slowly. So live for today, work for today, because tomorrow will eventually come, but it won’t hurry up for me, so don’t waste today for tomorrow.

3. I am the best version of me

We’re all flawed; either we think so, or someone else thinks so. Bottom line is, no one is ever perfect. But I must bear in mind that among all these imperfections, I am the best version of me. I am unique, I am priceless and I am amazing and nothing can change that.

4. Yesterday doesn’t define me

Yesterday is gone. All that remains of yesterday is my memory of events and successes and failures. It cannot define me and never did. I and only I can define myself.

5. Everything isn’t the way it seems

Things aren’t what they seem and that’s okay. There is always room for error and miscommunication, it doesn’t mean things are ruined, it just means life is going on as it should; a little complicated, a little predictable. So it’s okay, if things aren’t always what they seem.

6. I don’t know everything

With so much going on every day, every minute, every second, it’s okay to ask. I don’t have to know everything. I’m capable of learning what I don’t know and if I need to, I’ll ask.

7. We all have secrets

We all have secrets, some good, some not so good. My secrets are mine alone and having secrets isn’t bad and the same goes for everyone I know.

8. I can achieve all my dreams

Age is merely a number and the months merely a restriction. I can achieve all my dreams, no matter how bizarre or unrealistic they seem to others. My dreams, like anyone else’s are valid and deserve to be worked upon. Today is a day closer to achieving my dreams.

9. Today is another miracle

A new day is a gift and today is no lesser. There are always miracles happening somewhere in the world. Just because I can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Someone is being kind, someone is caring, someone is helping, someone is trusting and that is no less that in a miracle.

10. Failures are okay

Failures are okay. Everyone fails, the important part is to get up and start over. My failures are okay. I will get up, I will start over and I will finish successfully.

11. Others don’t define me

My family, parents, siblings, college, state or political affiliation don’t define me. Nothing defines me except who I am. Others do not and never will define me, they can be a part of my life, but not who I am or who I aspire to be.

12. I can start over anytime

Staring over doesn’t need to be solely in January. I can start over anytime, any day, anywhere. Turning a new leaf, changing something in life, isn’t a matter of the right time, it’s a matter of will power and conviction which can happen anytime, any day, anywhere. My life is in my hands.

13. Life goes on

No matter how good or bad things happen, life moves on. Nothing lasts forever so even though things might be amazing or awful, life goes on and I must move on. I have to improve, become better, become who I want to be, overcome failure and heartbreaks and go on with life.

14. I don’t owe anyone anything

Who I am, what I’ve reached and where I want to go is my prerogative only. I don’t owe anyone an explanation, a reason, an apology, or anything. My life is mine and must continue to be so.

15. I deserve the best

Where I come from or who I am, doesn’t automatically dictate what I ‘deserve’. I deserve the best of everything I get and I will not be guilted into thinking otherwise.

16. No one except me can control my happiness

Nothing controls my happiness. Some things or people might facilitate it but they can’t control it. My happiness is in my hands only and I can induce it as and when I please.

17.  Everything worth fighting for is hard to get

Life isn’t about roses. Roses are overrated anyway. If something is difficult or hard or seems impossible then I have to work harder, be stronger and work longer. Everything worths having is difficult and I can have everything I want and overcome every obstacle in the way.

18. My body, my rules

Who I am, where I’m from, what I look like, my sexual orientation and my choices are mine and mine only. No one has a right over my body. My body is mine alone no matter what anyone tells me.

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