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Monday 5 January 2015

Ten Winning Tips For Your Next Job Interview

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You have done a good job on your CV and aptitude test and won yourself a seat with the interview panel. Coming this far has not been easy, but the next couple of minutes you’ll be spending on your interview will determine if the hard work will worth it. It now lies in your hand, receiving an appointment letter or to walk away.
Most people who win at job interviews are not necessarily the best, but they are those who have taken their time to understand how it goes. Here are 10 tips most interview winners has applied, consciously or unconsciously.
Research – Read, Ask, Know
Get yourself acquainted with the company’s philosophy, values, vision, mission, plans, recent achievements and challenges. The moment you want to apply for a job, all those information becomes necessary. In case you didn’t do that, now is the time to do it. Read the company’s last quarterly or annual report or the briefs they have on their site. Walk up to anyone who currently works in the organization to get insider information.
Find out why the employer needs you
There is a gap the employer wants to fill and that’s why there’s a vacancy. You should find out what that gap or problem is because the employer will want to know if you have what it takes to fill the gap. The interview panel will be looking for certain qualities in individuals that can fit into that position. When you have the foreknowledge of what the employer is looking for, you will be able to prepare yourself to showcase your strength in that regard. The details in the job advertisement should give you an insight on this.
Know the common questions for such interviews
Most interview sessions will start with the ‘can we meet you’ or ‘introduce yourself’ kind of question. Know how to answer that appropriately and confidently. Besides that, there are also general and specific questions relative to some industries. Find out what the common questions are and the appropriate answers to them before appearing at the interview. Another way to go about this is to ask people who probably have been employed by the organization for similar positions to tell you what the interview questions looked like.
Be ready to defend your CV
Let your CV be in your mind before you write it on paper. You must be ready to defend it at the interview. Most of the questions in the interview will be based on what you have on your CV, therefore you should be sure of the things you put there. Lack of preparation in this aspect may cause you to be thrown off balance when any question comes from that direction.
Practice elegance
You need to appear and look elegant before the interviewers. You must come with a brand style that really shows you have the confidence and calmness to be part of the organization’s working team. Study how they dress in the organization and follow suit. In the case where the organization’s dress code is not smart enough, be outstanding. Practice how to walk in style because all eyes will be on you as you enter the interview room. Wear a little smile on your face as you go in.
Don’t wear a fragrance and if you must wear one, don’t let it be such that it gets noticed. All cosmetics and jewelries must be moderate.
Learn how to Negotiate Your Pay
Most people find it difficult to negotiate their pay. One of the questions you’ll be asked is how much you may be paid for the job. In order not to underprice or overprice yourself, find out what someone in your cadre collects in the company or other companies around for similar job specification. This will help you to set a price for yourself. Don’t accept to take any pay that will not be suitable for you. There are still better jobs out there.
Arrive early for the interview
You need to calm your nerves before your interview session, therefore get to the interview venue as early as possible, at least one hour to thirty minutes before. Look for the attendance/punctuality register if there is one and sign in. Wait quietly in a place for your turn. While you wait, scroll through your CV or information about the organization on your phone or tab
Be Courteous
Greet everyone warmly with a smile, including co-applicants. Put your phone in silence. Answer question with all calmness, don’t try to prove you know too much. Observe the atmosphere and follow the existing protocol.
Know how to answer
Be sure what the question is, think about it briefly before you open your mouth to answer. Go straight to the point and don’t miss the point by digressing. If you’re not clear about a question, you can ask the interviewers to elaborate. Look at your interviewers on the face as you provide your answers. Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know. Be realistic in all your answers.
Ask questions too
Ask the interviewer panel questions about your expected role and anything you’re not clear about the company which is/are relevant to your position. Your question may also cover issues of remuneration and so on. This will really show that you have genuine interest in the organization

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