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Saturday, 13 December 2014


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While neither is fun or easy, you can become smarter about the way you spend your money. Keep in mind that the key to financial success is being aware of how you’re spending your money.
You can manage and even gain while spending your money as a student.
Also, know that there’s a difference between being cheap and having spending savvy. There’s nothing wrong with living within your means, rather than beyond.

Below are 10 good steps, to help save your money as a student.

1.Write Down Your Budgets

Writing down your budgets is a great way of tracking your finances. Simply writing down how much you have spent will enable you to work out if you are spending too much money it also helps in keeping irrelevances away from budgets.

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3. Go to class. You’re paying for it and skipping is like throwing money out the window!

4.Having Emergency money is a highly rated tip which we recommend. It’s always good to have emergency cash which is not part of your budget. This way, if you ever have any issues or emergency situations, then you have that allocated amount to help you through your situation. On the other hand, you would be saving this allocated amount if you don’t spend it!

5.Open a savings account that earns interest. Credit unions have fewer fees and are great for students.

6.Writing down your costs is a great way of tracking your finances. Simply writing down how much you have spent will enable you to work out if you are spending too much money.

8. Reviewing your bank statements every week will enable you to work out how much you are spending per month. This then allows you to decide on whether you want to increase your spending or whether you want to decrease your spending. Either way, this will help you manage your finances properl

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